Regional Overview

To realise the full potential of land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs), experience gathered in country case studies will have to be scaled-up, not only nationally, but also internationally. To connect the local level to the international one, an intermediary, “regional step” is necessary. Continental regions often share geographic, demographic and socio-economic similarities, potentially making knowledge gained in one country region relevant for its regional neighbours.

LANDMARC is paying special attention to these regional dynamics by creating hubs of research and stakeholder engagement. These will elevate insights from the (sub)national level and connect them to the regional and global level, where those insights will be used to refine global climate change models.

The centrepiece of this connection between local and international knowledge is a series of regional workshops and stakeholder engagement actions, which will ensure that regional perspectives are integrated into our work.

Our regions are:

While there are no case studies in Oceania and other regions, we are running a set of activities to include them. These include stakeholder engagement, desk research and literature reviews, which aim to ensure that insights from these regions feed into the regional debates and, as a consequence, into global models and scenarios.